DSPTCH has launches two new bag types right now with the Console (above) and Laptop computer Sling. Accessible in ballistic nylon or Dyneema, the Console Sling is their first-ever gaming accent with storage that may accommodate a Nintendo Change. The light-weight case includes a entrance flap that’s secured with a magnetic Fidlock Snap and it additionally consists of three cartridge slots and a quick-release strap, which can also be detachable if you wish to use the bag as a portfolio/case.
The Laptop computer Sling replicates the performance of the Console Sling in a bigger design that is available in 14″ or 16″ sizes. It additionally has the entrance flap with the easy-to-use Fidlock Snap closure so you’ll be able to shortly safe and open the flap. There’s additionally two storage pockets for holding small gadgets like cords and notebooks and there is a devoted panel with slots for pens or pencils. Each the Laptop computer Sling and Console Sling will also be upgraded with a choice of completely different colours or Biothane.
Each luggage can be found now through DSPTCH’s on-line retailer.
$94-$154, dsptch.com